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Re: (erielack) ACF 2bay covered hoppers

Paul advised:

> If you mean the 2-bay CenterFlow cars (not the earlier 2-bay cars!), a
medium gray should work just fine. Try Polly Scale Maintenance of Way Gray
or Reefer Gray (or combinations thereof)
which is (maybe) OK if you're doing a new car, but if you're intending one
that's been around in service for a while, they faded pretty badly, to
almost off-white.  IMHO, reefer gray is too, too dark.  MOW gray I'm not
familiar with.  SP Lettering gray with some white is good, but tends toward
blue a little too much.  White with a few drops of black might work better.

It's all in your eyes, anyhow.  Look at the photo in the last Diamond.

