Erie Lackawanna 'erielack' E-Mail List Photo Archive

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From: "Ronald" rdukarm AT roadrunner DOT com
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 02:09:19 -0500
Subject: Re: (erielack) Notes on the Types and sizes of Anthracite
"Load_Sheet-Thunder_Bay_1932.jpg" - image/jpeg, 1848x2248 (24bit)

> One of the issues that faced the industry was that the year round
> industrial customers switched to bituminous because it was cheaper, but
> could also use anthracite in the small sizes. .> You are correct that
> domestic sizes would be most of the storage yards --- both because to get
> the larger steam sizes there was alot of extra domestic in the off season.
> But for the LV, DL&W and Erie -- and a lesser extent the Reading and the
> D&H, sending anthracite to Buffalo in the Great Lakes Shipping season
> evened out the business quite a bit.
> Cheers,
> Jim

Jim & List,

Attached is the Load Sheet from the THUNDER BAY QUARRIES which took a load
of seven (7) different coals at the Buffalo DL&W dumper on June 23/24, 1932.
This took 171 cars of coal. The correct coal had to go in the correct
compartments on the boat, which entailed moving the boat probably at least a
dozen times. Each type of coal dumped differently and would stick in the
pan. Breakage was also a major concern. In freezing weather the load could
stick in the cars.
In addition, the boat had to be loaded in an even manner to balance the
load. It was quite an operation.

Time was money to the fleet operators, so as soon as a boat docked, they
wanted the coal dumped. The railroad had to ensure cars were in proper
dumping order. In the case of 7 different coals, it required some planning
and knowledge of loading procedures.

Ron Dukarm


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