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Re: P&L Junction (was: (erielack) Interchange with Genesee & Wyoming


Pre-merger, G&W interchange with Erie was technically at G&W Jct on the 
Rochester branch, located less than a mile south of P&L Jct, which was the 
interchange with B&O, NYC and LV. The interchange was handled by Rochester 
trains. At some point post-merger, interchange shifted to Greigsville, which 
was located only a mile from the big salt mine. This was handled, at least 
in later EL years, by the Groveland Turn, which operated out of Buffalo and 
of course diverged from the Rochester line at N Alexander, Jct with the DL&W 
main. I believe the volume was substantial, perhaps several dozen cars per 
week. I have one Groveland Turn consist from 3/76 and there is no G&W 
interchange (ie no empty salt cars) on this one. Some of the output may have 
been seasonal, ie for road salt. This may have been stockpiled during the 
fall. I think a good bit of it was  interchanged with D&H at Binghamton 
enroute to the Port of Albany. Perhaps Dave Heckman can comment on that. 
When D&H obtained TR on Conrail, the traffic was shifted to the B&O and came 
onto the former Erie at Silver Springs. Erie probably used a variety of CH's 
for salt traffic, including the cylindricals. I recall seeing a dedicated 
D&H salt consist coming through Hornell EB in 8/77; IIRC it was 25-30 cars, 
mostly or all cylindricals. The train may have filled with Morton cars at 
Silver Springs.

Hope this helps.

Paul B

From: pat.moore_@_att.net
Subject: P&L Junction (was: (erielack) Interchange with Genesee & Wyoming


Interesting.  I guess all this time I never realized that the Erie went 
through P&L junction.  I knew that it was where the B&O (BR&P) crossed the 
Lehigh Valley and that the NYC Peanut Line was thrown in there, along with 
the G&W.

Thanks!  So, I wonder how much the Erie interchanged with the G&W?

- - -pat

I hope this helps 

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